Stephen Klineberg: A retrospective
May 23, 2022
Through most of the 20th century, Houston thrived. It was a one-horse industrial town, riding its location near the East Texas oil fields to continued prosperity. The city was also world-famous for having imposed the least possible controls on development of any city in the Western world. Houstonians proclaimed themselves to be the epitome of what Americans can achieve when left unfettered by zoning codes, government regulations or excessive taxation.
Kinder Houston Area Survey: As pandemic wanes, economy and crime become top concerns
May 17, 2022
As Houston emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic, the economy and crime top the list of residents’ concerns in the 2022 Kinder Houston Area Survey. Stress, anxiety, loneliness and isolation persist as the pandemic wanes, the survey shows, and Houstonians want the government to spend more money addressing economic inequalities and improving public schools.
Ruth López Turley named next director of Rice's Kinder Institute for Urban Research
December 1, 2021
HOUSTON – (Dec. 1, 2021) – Ruth López Turley, a prolific education researcher, professor of sociology and director of Rice University's Houston Education Research Consortium (HERC), has been selected as the next director of the university's Kinder Institute for Urban Research after current director Bill Fulton steps down June 30, 2022.
Rice talk to focus on Uyghur genocide in China
November 1, 2021
The history of the Uyghur homeland and the ongoing Uyghur genocide being carried out by the Chinese government will be the focus of a Nov. 4 event to be held from 1-2 p.m. in Kraft Hall 110.