Malawi study confirms lasting impact of life-saving technology
A new study finds Malawi made sustained improvements in the survival of babies with respiratory illness by adopting CPAP nationwide.
Malawi study confirms lasting impact of life-saving technology
A new study finds Malawi made sustained improvements in the survival of babies with respiratory illness by adopting CPAP nationwide.
Physicists find first possible 3D quantum spin liquid
Rice physicists show cerium zirconium pyrochlore qualifies as the first possible 3D quantum spin liquid.
Feds fund creation of headset for high-speed brain link
A Rice University-led team of neuroengineers is developing nonsurgical headset technology for brain-to-brain communication "at the speed of thought."
Organ bioprinting gets a breath of fresh air
Bioengineers have cleared a major hurdle on the path to 3D printing replacement organs with a breakthrough technique for bioprinting tissues.
Most British scientists cited in study feel Richard Dawkins’ work misrepresents science
Controversial British evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins is well-known for his criticism of religion, but a new Rice University study of British scientists reveals that a majority who mentioned Dawkins’ work during research interviews reject his approach to public engagement
Nanotubes assemble! Rice introduces ‘Teslaphoresis’
Scientists at Rice University have discovered that the strong force field emitted by a Tesla coil causes carbon nanotubes to self-assemble into long wires, a phenomenon they call “Teslaphoresis.”
First worldwide survey of religion and science: No, not all scientists are atheists
Scientists at Rice University have discovered that the strong force field emitted by a Tesla coil causes carbon nanotubes to self-assemble into long wires, a phenomenon they call “Teslaphoresis.”
Rice study suggests people are more trusting of attractive strangers
Beware of strangers. Don’t judge a book by its cover. We repeat these timeworn adages without even thinking, but new research suggests we live by neither of them.