‘Solarities’ examines the complex relationships humans have with the sun
March 18, 2024
The sun is making headlines as Americans prepare for the last total solar eclipse until 2045 . But eclipse or no eclipse, our solar system’s star is an essential part of life on Earth, and at the same time, the source of drought and demise to the very living things it fuels.
‘Forward-looking’ Rice center fuses Latin American and Latinx studies
March 6, 2024
From hosting speakers on topics ranging from curanderas in Mexican-American literature, the meaning of oil in Venezuela and the archaeology of the Amazon to fostering events on the arts in Guyana and contributing to student events, Rice University’s Initiative for the Study of LatinX America (ISLA) has accomplished a lot in the past three years.
Rice’s Mark Jones talks Super Tuesday, Texas primary
March 1, 2024
Super Tuesday is less than a week away — March 5 — and voters in one U.S. territory and 15 states, including Texas , will head to the polls. Rice University political scientist Mark Jones is available to discuss what to expect from election day in the Lone Star State.