Rice welcomes new faculty in largest hiring in history

Faculty and Rice Jones School of Business Dean Peter Rodriguez listen to Amy Dittmar, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs, speak during the new faculty reception.

More than 160 people attended a celebratory reception for new and newly promoted Rice University faculty in the Faculty Club at Cohen House earlier this month.

Amy Dittmar, the Howard R. Hughes Provost and executive vice president for academic affairs, welcomed the faculty and leadership. The reception was organized by the Office of Faculty Development.

grid of reception photos

This year marked a record for faculty hiring with 59 new tenure-track faculty and 44 nontenure-track faculty joining Rice. Ten of the new tenure-track faculty will start in the spring semester. The new faculty span across all schools and disciplines with the most joining the School of Humanities. The George R. Brown School of Engineering, School of Social Sciences and Wiess School of Natural Sciences saw the next biggest gains.

The following new faculty members came to Rice as full professors:

  • David Sarlah, chemistry

  • Cynthia Reinhart-King, bioengineering (chair)

  • Michael King, bioengineering

  • Eve Dunbar, English

  • John Baugh, linguistics
