‘Out of all the unknowns in science, we have so much to discover’
August 16, 2024
Rice’s Smalley-Curl Institute held its 38th annual Summer Research Colloquium Aug. 2 at Rice’s Duncan Hall, where undergraduate and graduate students and postdoctoral researchers gave presentations covering topics in nanoscience, quantum materials and quantum information science and technology to a multidisciplinary audience.
Rice neuroscientists to build state-of-the-art neural recording system
July 17, 2024
Rice neural engineer Chong Xie and his team have won a $2.9 million R01 grant from the NIH to develop a state-of-the-art implantable neural electrode system that is highly biocompatible, untethered and capable of stable, long-term and large-scale neural recording and stimulation.
In the brain at rest, neurons rehearse future experience
May 30, 2024
New research from Rice and the University of Michigan sheds light on how individual neurons in the hippocampus of rats stabilize and tune spatial representations during periods of rest following the animals’ first time running a maze, offering first proof of neuroplasticity during sleep.