LGBTQ Owls and allies gathered on the Rice University campus April 13 to partake in the group’s first ever pride parade. Organized by Rice PRIDE, the event included poster-making, speeches by organizers and swag items like pins and tie-dyed T-shirts. After the gathering, the crowd marched between Lovett Hall and Baker College as a way to recognize and celebrate the queer people who have been and continue to be a part of Rice’s history and future.
To capstone the week of pride events, the group hosted The Gayla April 14 at the Martel College commons. It provided a joyous time to recognize the students, faculty, staff and organizations that make exceptional contributions to the queer community.
During The Gayla, Rice PRIDE presented awards as well as announced the organization’s leadership for the upcoming year.
While June is traditionally heralded as LGBTQ+ Pride Month, student leaders declared April 8-14 as Pride Week on campus since most Rice students return to their respective parts of the world during the summer.