June is traditionally heralded as LGBTQ+ Pride Month, but since most students at Rice return to their respective parts of the world during the summer, student leaders have declared April 8-14 as Pride Week on campus. The festivities will include learning opportunities, drag performances, inclusivity events, a parade and The Gayla.
“Because there’s a lot of engagement with the pride events usually held in June, Rice students want to be able to do something similar while a majority of students are on campus during the academic year,” said Cole Holladay, a Martel College junior majoring in chemistry and co-president of the Rice PRIDE student organization.
The pride parade April 13 between Lovett Hall and Baker College is a new event for the university this year. Holladay points out that the festivities come at a challenging time for Texas higher education institutions and their LGBTQ+ communities who are coming to terms with recent state legislation.
“We’ve seen a lot of legislation and the Texas Legislature disband diversity, equity and inclusion offices at public universities,” Holladay said. “By having this parade, we’re hoping to send a message that queer people exist on college campuses and queer people, including students, faculty and staff, are not going away regardless of whatever legislation is put in place. We hope that by bringing in not only Rice but also the greater community of Houston, we can have a big message to show that the greater population of Houston and Texas supports the queer community.”
The weeklong series of events includes:
Monday, April 8
- General body meeting at Multicultural Center, 6-8 p.m.
Rice PRIDE members and allies will gather to celebrate the beginning of Pride Week. This will include a presentation outlining the week’s events, social time and refreshments.
Tuesday, April 9
- Sexually transmitted disease testing and arts and crafts swap n’ shop, Queer Resource Center and Brown Garden (adjacent courtyard), 2-4 p.m.
Legacy Community Health will provide free and confidential STD testing to Owls.
- Woodson Research Center presents “Curating Our History,” 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Students will be able to view the Rice PRIDE archives and contribute their own belongings, arts and crafts to the initiative.
Wednesday, April 10
- T-shirt tie-die; date and location to be determined.
- MCC hangout, Multicultural Center, 3:30 p.m.
Enjoy free food and companionship with Rice’s LGBTQ+ faculty, staff and students.
- Interfaith event, Multicultural Center, 6:30-8 p.m.
Rice PRIDE will facilitate a dialogue centered on the experiences of being affiliated with a religion as a queer individual. This conversation will begin with questions posed to a panel of diverse faith leaders and community members and will then expand to the wider audience. This event is intended for undergraduate and graduate students.
Thursday, April 11
- Equality Texas workshop, O’Connor classroom, 3-4 p.m.
Equality Texas will offer a workshop on advocating for LGBTQ+ issues. This will include how to be a good ally, how to advocate for the LGBTQ+ community as both a queer person and an ally, what is needed to change hearts and minds and what actions show true allyship.
- Faculty, staff and student happy hour at Valhalla, 4-6 p.m.
Enjoy a beverage while joining other LGBTQ+ Owls and allies.
Friday, April 12
- Pride screw, time TBD
Take part in a uniquely Houston-centric music party as “screw” music fills the student resource center. The time is to be determined.
- Drag night, McMurtry commons, 8 p.m.
Join Rice PRIDE to experience the show-stopping art of Houston’s premier drag performers.
Saturday, April 13
- Out of the Closet thrifting trip, 1435 Westheimer
This thrifting trip will be utilized to help students find affordable formal wear for the upcoming Gayla … or just to find some affordable repurposed threads for the upcoming season.
- Pride parade between Lovett Hall and Baker College, 2 p.m.
Show your pride in the biggest celebration possible: a parade! Owls will parade around campus to show that queer people should be celebrated in our community.
Sunday, April 14
- The Gayla, Martel College commons, 7 p.m.
The Gayla provides a space where undergraduate students will be able to celebrate their identities across the queer spectrum at a formal event. The event will celebrate students, faculty, staff and organizations that make exceptional contributions to the queer community.
For more information, visit pride.rice.edu.