Q: How long have you worked at Rice?
A: 8 years
Q: What is your favorite part about working for the university?
A: The people I get to work with.
Q: What do you want people to know about living in Houston?
A: It’s great having two large airports. You can fly almost anywhere directly.
Q: What do you do in your downtime?
A: I enjoy daily walks for exercise and spending time with my family.
Q: What is your favorite spot on campus to show someone?
A: The quad and the James Turrell “Twilight Epiphany” Skyspace.
Q: What is the most exciting time of year for you as it relates to Rice?
A: When the fall semester starts, I like seeing so many students on campus and the high energy level.
Q: What is the one thing that makes Rice special to you?
A: My daughter got married at Cohen House.
Q: If you could be Sammy The Owl for a day, what would you do?
A: Stay in the air-conditioning! Just kidding. I would go to all the sporting events offered that day.
Q: How would you describe your experience as a Rice employee?
A: Once I got here, I never wanted to leave, and I’m proud to tell people I work at Rice.
Q: Where do you see Rice in 25 years?
A: I see updates and upgrades around campus in terms of the buildings and facilities, but the overall culture will remain steadfast.
Q: Describe Rice in four words or less.
A: A Houston institution.