Staff spotlight: Susan Cudnik

Department of Chemistry Storekeeper

Susan Cudnik

Q: How long have you worked at Rice?

A: 25 years

Q: What is your favorite part about working for the university?

Susan Cudnik
Susan Cudnik

A: Interacting with international graduate students — helping them get the materials they need for their research.

Q: What do you want people to know about living in Houston?

A: It’s an amazing mixture of people from all over the world — we’re NOT here for the weather.

Q: What do you do in your downtime?

A: Disciple people interested in becoming disciples of Jesus Christ.

Q: What’s your favorite spot on campus to show someone?

A: A piece of the Berlin Wall — I was in Germany as a U.S. Army officer at the time it came down.

Q: What’s the most exciting time of year for you as it relates to Rice?

A: Graduation — it is a bittersweet time for me.

Q: What’s the one thing that makes Rice special to you?

A: How they care for their employees.

Q: If you could be Sammy The Owl for a day, what would you do?

A: Pop into people’s offices just to say “Hi.”

Q: How would you describe your experience as a Rice employee?

A: I enjoy affirming people who are far from home — outside of their native culture/food/language/religion; I experienced that when I lived in Germany.

Q: Where do you see Rice in 25 years?

A: Filled with amazing research opportunities — catapulted ahead with the opening of the O’Connor Building. I see the chemistry stockroom expanding operations to have a solid footprint in O’Connor and the Bioscience Research Collaborative.

Q: Describe Rice University in one sentence.

A: Rice University is a welcome change from the intense world of the military and industry.

Q: What else have we not talked about yet that merits discussion?

A: Rice University honors its military veterans; someone is spotlighted each year at Veteran’s Day — I was the first person to be recognized.
