Staff Spotlight: Paula Platt

Academic and Events Administrator, School of Humanities

Paula Platt
Paula Platt
Paula Platt

Q: How long have you worked at Rice?

A: 35 years

Q: What is your favorite part about working for the university?

A: The energy from the students at the start of a new school year.

Q: What do you want people to know about living in Houston?

A: I love the “winter” and bluebonnet season.

Q: What do you do in your downtime?

A: Read, read, read. When I don’t have my nose buried in a book, I watch TV — procedurals, the Hallmark Channel and sports (football and baseball) — and work puzzles or color. When opportunities arise, I like to travel.

Q: What’s your favorite spot on campus to show someone?

A: I’m a big Shepherd School of Music fan. I sing with the Rice Chorale, so Stude Concert Hall and the Edythe Bates Old Grand Organ are important.

Q: What’s the most exciting time of year for you as it relates to Rice?

A: The start of a new academic year.

Q: What’s the one thing that makes Rice special to you?

A: The friends — staff, students (both graduate and undergraduate) and faculty I have gotten to know.

Q: If you could be Sammy The Owl for a day, what would you do?

A: I’d like to attend a football game and interact with the children.

Q: How would you describe your experience as a Rice employee?

A: It has had its ups and downs. Sometimes I don’t immediately recollect that I’ve worked here as long as I have.

Q: Where do you see Rice in 25 years?

A: Beyond being a place to learn about science, engineering and business, I hope Rice is recognized as a place for students to learn about the humanities and arts.

Q: Describe Rice University in four words or less.

A: It’s a beautiful campus.
