Staff Spotlight: Caitlin Lindsay

Director of Student Center Operations and Resident Associate at Jones College

Caitlin Lindsay
Caitlin Lindsay
Caitlin Lindsay

Q: How long have you worked at Rice?

A: Three years.

Q: What is your favorite part about working for the university?

A: I’m sure this is a popular answer: the people. I have made amazing friends, learned from new perspectives and grown through my interactions with students and staff.

Q: What do you want people to know about living in Houston?

A: It is so obnoxiously hot. I’m from Wisconsin. These 90-degree days with 60% humidity are no joke. But really, I also think of the diversity and number of things to do. I moved here most recently from a small town, so I love the variety of restaurants, the diversity of languages and cultures I’m exposed to and the number of things there are to do on any given day.

Q: What do you do in your downtime?

I enjoy spending time with my dog, Calypso, and exploring new restaurants, especially for brunch.

Q: What’s your favorite spot on campus to show someone?

A: I’m incredibly biased because I advise our student-run businesses (Rice Bikes, The Hoot and Rice Coffeehouse), but I love taking people to these spaces. They’re incredibly vibrant and high-energy, and the students do an incredible job operating them.

Q: What’s the most exciting time of year for you as it relates to Rice?

A: I love, and am exhausted by, the spring semester as a whole. There are so many amazing events happening in the Student Center, events at Jones College, etc. Every day, there is just so much happening. I pursued a degree/career in higher education because I love working with students and the energy they bring, and the spring semester feels like the apex of all those energies.

Q: What’s the one thing that makes Rice special to you?

A: I really appreciate all the ways you can get involved and get to know people from across campus. Within my job, I work with people from a variety of departments, but I’ve also been able to get involved with the Incident Management Team, the DEI office through the Critical Dialogues on Diversity class, Staff Council and so many other initiatives. I love meeting new people, and I really appreciate that Rice seems to encourage you to go beyond your office.

Q: If you could be Sammy The Owl for a day, what would you do?

A: Probably melt. That costume looks so hot. I would probably ride around on a golf cart passing out popsicles, take some photos with people and try to spread some joy.

Q: How would you describe your experience as a Rice employee?

A: Rewarding. I have a great supervisory structure and am very appreciative of those who supervise me and those I supervise. I can identify ways I’ve grown already within three years at Rice, and I look forward to continuing to grow.

Q: Where do you see Rice in 25 years?

A: I see us thriving as an institution focused on creating a place of intentional inclusivity, belonging and support for everyone within it: staff, students and faculty.

Q: Describe Rice University in four words or less.

A: Beautiful, dedicated and dynamic.

Q: What else have we not talked about yet that merits discussion?

A: There’s so much more I could talk about, but I think I’ve rambled enough.
