Social media abuzz after Rice mentioned in final season of ‘Young Sheldon’

‘I love this show and the Rice connection makes it even better!’

Young Sheldon snapshot

Editor’s note: The following article contains spoilers about the final season of “Young Sheldon.”

Coach George Cooper would’ve taken Rice football to the next level … at least according to Instagram commenters.

Rice University's social media followers have been buzzing after recently learning of an Owl shoutout during the TV show “Young Sheldon.”

Sheldon Cooper’s fictional father, George Cooper Sr., is a football coach at the family’s local East Texas high school in the spinoff series prequel to The Big Bang Theory. In the penultimate episode of the final season, Cooper Sr. gets a job offer from none other than the prestigious university on South Main — Rice University, not to be confused with “Rice-A-Roni” despite George Cooper Jr.’s inquiry at the dinner table.

After the clip was shared on Rice’s main social pages, including X (formerly known as Twitter), Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn, viewers swarmed to the mediums to react to the reference. Over 346,000 users viewed Rice’s posts, including more than 18,000 who clicked the “like” button on Instagram.

“I love this show and the Rice connection makes it even better!” Dave Norton commented on Facebook.

Suzane Michele said “As a Rice Mom - Class of 2020, I was giddy when Rice became part of the story.”

On Instagram, xoxoo.capri loved the dynamic duo of Rice and “Young Sheldon,” commenting “MY FAVORITE SHOW AND MY DREAM COLLEGE.”

“I love this tribute to George,” Bailey Miller shared on X. “Made me emotional. Very thoughtful and sweet.”

According to this post by Rice Athletics, Coach Cooper would’ve been an ace special teams coach.
But unfortunately, as the show foretold, he never got the chance.

(Photo and video courtesy of CBS and Warner Brothers)
