Widely recognized for developing leaders, Rice University’s Doerr Institute for New Leaders took its students to a place full of them earlier this month, visiting the NASA Johnson Space Center.
The group toured the Houston center where human spaceflight training, research and mission control are conducted. During the excursion, the students had the opportunity to meet with and learn from one of NASA’s top leaders, Chief Flight Director Emily Nelson.
Nelson leads the group that directs human spaceflight missions from the mission control center. She manages 31 active flight directors and flight directors-in-training who oversee a variety of human spaceflight missions involving the International Space Station, including integrating American-made commercial crew spacecraft into the fleet servicing the orbiting laboratory as well as Artemis missions to the Moon.
“She gave us a guided tour through NASA, sharing concrete examples of the leadership challenges they face and how she navigates them in her daily role,” said Stephanie Taylor, associate director of leader development at the Doerr Institute.
“Her real-world leadership lessons highlighted vital skills like giving and receiving feedback, active listening and decision-making — many of which students can also develop through the Doerr Institute’s catalyst modules.”
Taylor said the Doerr Institute prioritizes immersing its students in situations where they can learn firsthand from leaders in real environments.
“Our excursions go beyond a one-time field trip; each experience is designed intentionally, asking students to apply what they learn to their daily leadership through our GOAL reflection framework,” she said.
“Students begin with a presession to explore their personal beliefs about leadership, assess their strengths and growth opportunities and set a focus based on their leadership assessment. After excursions, they debrief to reflect on their experiences and apply their insights to their own leadership development goals.”
Excursions through the Doerr Institute are open to all Rice students. Registration opens at the beginning of each semester.