Rice’s NROTC unit hosts car wash fundraiser March 2

NROTC will host a car wash March 2 at Rice Bikes.

The Rice University Naval ROTC (NROTC) unit will host a car wash fundraiser March 2 from 9 a.m. to noon across from Rice Bikes. Funds raised from the event will benefit NROTC students and participating students from the University of Houston and Texas Southern University.

 NROTC will host a car wash March 2 at Rice Bikes.

Car washes are a pay-what-you-can fee with a suggested donation of $10. The charitable efforts will support NROTC students for essential training events, attendance at leadership symposiums, memorable military balls and unit polos that are not covered by the Department of the Navy.

“To help achieve our goals, our unit is organizing a car wash so that the community’s generosity can make a significant difference on our educational and personal development,” said Thara Venkateswaran, midshipman watch officer in NROTC and neuroscience and cognitive sciences major at Rice. “Thanks to all participants in advance for standing with us as we strive for excellence in service and leadership.”

NROTC is a Department of Navy program that enables students to enjoy a traditional college experience while training to commission as an officer in the Navy and Marine Corps upon graduation.

For more information about NROTC, visit nrotc.rice.edu.
