Rice selected to participate in AAC&U Institute on AI, Pedagogy and the Curriculum

Collaborative Rice team to build a campuswide roadmap for AI adoption in teaching and learning

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by Cassie Kopecky, digital communications and marketing lead for Rice Online

A dedicated team of Rice University faculty and staff has been selected to participate in the 2024-25 American Association of Colleges and Universities Institute on AI, Pedagogy and the Curriculum. This initiative focuses on equipping institutions with the tools and strategies needed to thoughtfully integrate artificial intelligence (AI) into their curricula, ensuring that AI enhances, rather than disrupts, the educational experience. By participating, Rice aims to stay at the forefront of these developments, preparing its students and faculty to navigate and lead in a rapidly evolving academic landscape.

This selection underscores Rice’s commitment to advancing the integration of AI in education, aligning with the university’s strategic priorities to lead in innovative and responsible AI practices.

The Rice team comprises the following distinguished members, each representing key areas of the university:

  • Shawn Miller , associate provost for digital learning and strategy

  • Carissa Zimmerman , director of the Center for Teaching Excellence

  • David Messmer, director of the First-Year Writing Intensive Seminars and associate teaching professor

  • Leslie Schwindt-Bayer , associate dean for undergraduate education and chair of the committee currently revising Rice’s General Education curriculum

  • Amy Birkhead , online program support technologist, Office of Information Technology (OIT)

Expanding AI in education at Rice

The team at Rice representing various departments, including the Provost’s Office, Rice Online Learning, Center for Teaching Excellence, Office of the Dean of Undergraduates, OIT and the Program in Writing and Communication, will collaborate at the institute to develop a comprehensive roadmap for AI adoption in teaching and learning.

Reflecting on the team’s composition and objectives, Miller said, “Our team’s composition reflects stakeholders in a centrally supported but distributed university-wide effort. Our team brings together faculty who also lead committees, services, departments and centers with staff directly connected to the intersection of digital learning, pedagogy and innovation. We are committed to using this experience to build positive and meaningful connections across departments, schools and units as we collaborate around new opportunities for innovation and change."

Goals for the institute

At the AAC&U Institute, the Rice team aims to:

  • Develop guiding principles and best practices for AI integration that align with the university’s strategic goals.

  • Enhance AI literacy among faculty and students, making it an integral part of the undergraduate curriculum.

  • Foster a culture of ethical and productive AI usage, ensuring that Rice graduates are well-equipped to navigate and lead in an AI-driven world.

Rice faculty and staff are national leaders in AI research and technical advancement.

Over Summer 2023, leaders from the OIT and other key stakeholders developed training resources and guidelines for AI usage in the classroom. A new AI advisory committee, convened by the provost and vice president for information technology and chief information officer, further demonstrates Rice’s commitment to integrating AI into both academic and administrative contexts.

Join the conversation

In line with these efforts, the Center for Teaching Excellence, Rice Online and OIT are offering a fall reading group focused on “Teaching with AI” by José Antonio Bowen and C. Edward Watson. To RSVP for this session and learn more, please visit the Rice Center for Teaching Excellence.
