Rice president’s welcome parties leave students feeling ‘exhilarated’

President's Welcome Party - O-week - 2024
O-Week 2024
(Photos by Jeff Fitlow)

Rice University recently welcomed the new parliament of Owls to campus, including more than 1,100 undergraduate students and 1,400 graduate students, at the President’s Welcome.

In typical Rice fashion, President Reginald DesRoches and the upperclassmen ushered in the newest crop of students with style, panache and a little bit of Rice tradition, including dance parties, swag giveaways and plenty of fun.

“The President’s Welcome was the first event that really opened my eyes to what my Rice experience would be like,” said Hanszen College freshman Bailee Byrd. “Surrounded by students from every residential college in Tudor Fieldhouse, I felt exhilarated to be in an environment with such intelligent, like-minded peers, all thrilled to be at Rice University. The spirit was unimaginable, and it surely excited me for the four years ahead.”

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O-Week 2024