Rice partners with Validity to streamline degree verification


Rice University has taken a significant step forward in enhancing the efficiency and security of its degree verification process by partnering with Validity. Validity offers a novel approach to academic credential verification through a platform integrated directly with the Office of the Registrar's website.


Through the new service, Rice alumni and former students now receive instant, cost-free access to comprehensive verification of their degrees, majors, minors, programs and certificates. This streamlined process significantly reduces traditional delays and expenses, empowering Owls with immediate, secure access to their academic credentials.

“The Office of the Registrar aims to be a leading registrar’s office that thoughtfully supports the Rice community through a holistic approach that leverages skilled staff and advanced technology to enhance the student and alumni experience,” said Justin Schilke, deputy registrar. “This collaboration is a major milestone in how Rice’s academic credentials are managed, verified and accessed.”

A key to Validity’s effectiveness is the use of blockchain technology. The Office of the Registrar can now cryptographically sign content to signify its authenticity. This process transforms directory information into proofs, securely stored on the Ethereum blockchain. This represents a paradigm shift in online trust, providing stakeholders with a way to verify information directly from Rice without the need to trust a third party.

One of Validity's unique features is its ability to send users a one-click verification link on the same day their degrees are awarded. This proactive feature is particularly beneficial during job interviews, where timely verification can make a significant difference. Moreover, Validity does not store directory information, ensuring the privacy of student and alumni data while providing a robust and comprehensive verification service.

Rice’s adoption of Validity signifies more than a technological upgrade; it amplifies the management and verification of its academic credentials.

For Rice alumni and former students, this means:

  • Instant access to comprehensive verification of degrees, majors, minors, programs and certificates
  • Portability of Rice academic credentials
  • Increased ownership and control over academic information