Rice energy experts available to explain Chevron’s headquarters move to Houston

Oil prices

Two energy experts from Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy are available to comment on Chevron moving its headquarters to Houston.

Ken Medlock, senior director of the Baker Institute’s Center for Energy Studies, explains that Chevron has been relocating various business functions to Houston for several years.

“This is just the final step that many industry observers were waiting to happen,” Medlock said. “To start, Houston provides a world-class location for internationally focused energy companies, which is why there is such a massive international presence here. Texas is also the nation’s largest energy producer across multiple energy sources and is poised to lead in emerging opportunities such as hydrogen and carbon capture, so Houston is a great place for domestically focused activities as well. To top it off, Texas rates very favorably for business in general.”

Francisco Monaldi, director of the Latin America Energy Program at the Baker Institute, explains that the majority of Chevron’s employees are already in Houston.

“Chevron has a substantial presence in Latin America’s oil and gas,” Monaldi said. “They have traditionally headquartered the regional operations in Houston — since 2022 as part of the Americas unit. Houston is an ideal place to do business with Latin America because of its extensive trade and air connections with the region.”

To schedule an interview with Medlock or Monaldi, contact Avery Franklin, media relations specialist at Rice, at averyrf@rice.edu or 713-348-6327.
