‘Make the lift lighter’: Rice football helps freshmen move into residential colleges

Rice football freshman move-in

The morning after a grueling three-hour scrimmage, Rice University Football players spread out over campus to help rookies tackle their first big college move.

“They’ve got all the energy,” freshman cornerback Bailey Fletcher said about the Baker College welcome crew. “It’s making me want to see what O-Week is all about.”

Fletcher was joined at Baker College by senior outside linebacker Josh Pearcy, sophomore safety Ashton Ojiaku, freshman cornerback Ephraim Dotson and Dunlevie Family Head Football Coach Mike Bloomgren, among many others, who offered an assist to incoming freshmen.

“While it’s a great, exciting day, it’s also a stress-filled day with a lot of emotions,” Bloomgren said. “So if we can do anything to make the lift lighter mentally and physically for these new students and parents, that’s what we’re out here to do.”

“I feel like it's important to help with move-in and stuff like that, just to make sure that everybody feels welcome when they first get here,” Ojiaku said.

That sense of connection is what truly sets Rice apart, something that Pearcy is particularly proud of.

“Everybody loves each other here,” Pearcy said. “Everybody supports each other here. Everybody is treated equal here, no matter where you come from.”

As the new students settled into their new rooms and prepared for O-Week, the football players reflected on the unique opportunity to connect with their fellow Owls.

“It's like a bonding experience all together,” Dotson said.
