James Pomerantz , a professor emeritus of psychological sciences at Rice University, is a recipient of the Psychonomic Society’s Clifford T. Morgan Distinguished Leadership Award .

Launched in 2019 by the Psychonomic Society , the preeminent international organization for the experimental study of cognition, the award is the society’s top honor. It recognizes deserving candidates who have been in the field for more than 10 years for major contributions to the field of cognitive psychology and sustained leadership and service to the discipline.
“The Psychonomic Society has been my go-to scientific association since my first research publication appeared in one of their journals 54 years ago,” Pomerantz said.
He said the award is especially personal to him, as his U.S. and international colleagues who have most influenced his work have all been active in psychonomics .
“They have helped shape every aspect of my research,” Pomerantz said. “There is no greater honor that I could receive than this one, which is a lifetime achievement recognition.”
Pomerantz, who will be honored during the Psychonomic Society’s annual meeting in San Francisco this November, will receive a $1,000 cash prize and will be recognized on the society’s website.