Offices of Admission and Public Affairs partner for campus receptions

The new Department of Transnational Asian Studies will be housed on the fifth floor of Lovett Hall. (Photo by Brandon Martin)

What started last year as a way to spur awareness and involvement within the offices of Admission and Public Affairs has now become an annual pairing of events – the Campus Partner Open House and Current Student Study Break. They will be held in two locations Sept. 7.

The offices invite faculty and staff to the Welcome Center, located at Sewall Hall, to learn more about their missions and services, meet the teams and tour the facility. The Campus Partner Open House will take place from noon to 1 p.m.

“The Admissions’ and Public Affairs’ open house is a gateway for our campus community to explore the diverse programs offered by these departments at the Welcome Center,” said Tiffany King, Welcome Center manager. “We invite our community to discover our initiatives and support them through volunteering, attendance and education."

Some of the ways faculty and staff can get involved include sending groups to the Welcome Center, volunteering at upcoming admissions events, offering to provide tours for groups who visit campus and increasing internal awareness of each area’s responsibilities and outreach efforts, King said.

The open house also helps the offices learn how they can collaborate and support faculty and staff, she added.

To complement the open house, the offices also want to include students as part of the day’s festivities.

The Current Student Study Break will take place at the Ley Student Center’s Farnsworth Pavilion from 7:30-8:30 p.m. Students who attend will receive a Voodoo Doughnut and learn more about how to get involved with the offices.

Student involvement includes volunteering to work events like Owl Days; joining a team such as Owl Guides, Welcome Center Ambassadors, VOWLunteers or senior interviewers; and more.

For more information about the Welcome Center, visit For more information about the Office of Admission, visit
