Rice’s annual United Way campaign concludes, raising over $264,000 in 15 weeks

Rice United Way Campaign 2021 week 15 total

After 15 weeks of fundraising, Rice’s annual United Way campaign ultimately brought in $264,720.

During a Dec. 17 reception at the Rice University Faculty Club, the campaign’s leaders announced the drive had already surpassed its $250,000 goal in just 10 weeks.

At that event, Rice presented a ceremonial check to United Way of Greater Houston President and CEO Amanda McMillian, but members of the university's faculty and staff continued donating to the effort through Jan. 17.

Ultimately, the School of Natural Sciences raised more money than any other school or department with a total of $27,746 donated to the effort. The Department of Facilities, Engineering & Planning had 123 total donors among its ranks, the highest number of donors across any campus unit. The offices of the President, Public Affairs, and Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies were the only three groups to reach 100% participation among their employees.

Rice Board of Trustees Chairman Rob Ladd also chipped in $25,000 in matching funds based on pledge increases from past contributors and full donation amounts from new donors to the campaign.

“For the parts that each of you played in this year's campaign success, we extend our most sincere appreciation,” wrote lead donors chair Y. Ping Sun, faculty chair Doug Natelson and staff chair Susann Glenn in a message touting the surpassing of the campaign's goal. “Congratulations to all campus divisions for their achievements in support of the United Way programs that so richly benefit our community.”

Rice United Way Campaign 2021 week 15 total