Put on your holiday cheer and head over to Rice University’s Shepherd School of Music on Saturday, Dec. 3 for a spirited celebration.
For the first time, the school’s annual “Spirit of the Season” celebration will unfold in the new Brockman Hall for Opera, complete with a festive mix of onstage holiday, musical theater and operatic highlights from graduate voice students. The hour-long performance, which begins at 7:30 p.m. in the opera hall’s Morrison Theater, will also feature brass and string student performances to benefit The Shepherd School of Music Scholarship Fund.

Matthew Loden, the Lynette S. Autrey Dean of Music at Rice’s Shepherd School, said the event is “the perfect kickoff to a festive holiday season.”
“What better way is there to celebrate the season than with an entertaining program of beautiful music from our amazing students?” said Loden. “And the best part is, everyone who attends will be giving our students the ultimate holiday gift by supporting our scholarship fund, which makes it possible for some of the most talented students in the world to come and study at the Shepherd School.”
The event will be co-chaired by Isabel and Danny David and Georgiana and Rice Board of Trustees Chair Robert Ladd. Guests are encouraged to dress in festive holiday cocktail attire. The event will be catered by Jackson & Company with décor by Bergner & Johnson.
Silver key tickets, priced at $50 each, are still available and include access to a special pre-show reception with complimentary festive drinks at 6:30 p.m. in the Grand Foyer of Brockman Hall for Opera. Five-dollar parking will be available in West Lot 2 via entrance No. 18 off of Rice Blvd. A map of campus is available at https://map.concept3d.com/?id=473#!ct/13398?s/. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit https://music.rice.edu/give/shepherd-society/member-events .
Discounted tickets for $19 are available to members of the Rice community (age 21 and up only). For more information or to purchase tickets, visit https://riceconnect.rice.edu/ssm/spirit-of-the-season-rice-faculty-grad-student-registration.