Rice President David Leebron welcomed a large delegation from the Fulbright Commission in Brazil over a dinner Feb. 17 hosted by the School of Engineering in Duncan Hall. Guests included members of the Brazilian Ministry of Education, the U.S. Embassy in Brasilia, the CAPES Foundation and 16 university faculty delegates from 8 Brazilian universities who won the call to be a part of a new Fulbright program to modernize undergraduate engineering education in Brazil.
Members of the delegation spent much of the week touring the Rice campus, which included visits to the Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen and the Liu Idea Lab for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, engineering and design workshops and luncheons with both engineering faculty and Brazilian faculty.

The four-day program was co-sponsored by the School of Engineering, Brasil@Rice and the Office of International Students & Scholars, who also invited the Consul General from Brazil and leadership from the Brazil-Texas Chamber of Commerce to participate in the workshops and other events.
Aided by its close relationship with the Brazilian consulate in Houston, Brasil@Rice has served as a model at Rice for advancing research and creating enduring, productive relationships since its founding 10 years ago.