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Bioengineer Antonios Mikos was honored with a special issue of Tissue Engineering Part A for his 60th birthday. The journal’s December issue includes an introduction to Mikos as well as a paper on machine learning-guided 3D printing of tissue engineering scaffolds by Rice computer scientist Lydia Kavraki and Mikos.

NASA featured Brown School of Engineering alumni in December for their in-space manufacturing project in the 2020 Moon to Mars eXploration Systems and Habitation (X-Hab) Academic Innovation Challenge. Teams Live Long and Printer (mechanical engineering alumni Colin Nyhus, Victoria Joshi, Oliver Lopez and Paraksh Vankawala) and Space Stuff (mechanical engineering alumni Sang Bum Lee and Nicolas Terrazas and bioengineering alumnus Chad Fisher) developed a repository of 3D shapefiles for printing medical supplies or parts for repairs as needed on the space station or in deep space. Their capstone projects were developed at the Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen and featured in Rice News.
