Dateline Rice for June 22, 2020 (Weekend Edition)

Dateline Rice


Theodore Roosevelt statue, flanked by African and Native American men, to be removed in New York

Douglas Brinkley, the Katherine Tsanoff Brown Professor in Humanities, is quoted.
The Washington Post (Subscription is required. This article also appeared in more than 30 other media outlets.)
http://dateline.rice/june-22-brinkleyPush to purge Confederate names gets minimal traction around Fort Hood, but military is paying attention
Two articles quote Mark Jones, the Joseph D. Jamail Chair in Latin American Studies, professor of political science, fellow in political science at Rice’s Baker Institute for Public Policy and fellow at Rice’s Kinder Institute for Urban Research.
San Antonio Express-News (This article also appeared on the front page of the June 21 print edition, and it appeared online in the San Francisco Chronicle.)
Goofs, gaffes and brain farts: Trump sets sights on Biden's Achilles' heel
The Washington Times (This article appeared in the June 22 print edition of the Times' "National Weekly" issue, and it appeared in a previous edition of Dateline.)

What changes a protest from peaceful to violent? Aggressive law enforcement
An article cites collaborative research by Alessandro Piazza, assistant professor of strategic management at Rice's Jones Graduate School of Business.
CNN (This article also appeared in MSN.)

How white churches can work for racial justice
Elaine Howard Ecklund, professor of sociology and director of the Religion and Public Life Program, authored an op-ed in Religion News Services, and she is quoted in National Affairs.

Religion News Service
The spiritual species

National Affairs (This article also appeared in the summer 2020 digital and print editions.)


Q&A: Houston area expert speaks on institutionalized racism, racial trauma, protests
Tony Brown, professor of sociology, is featured in a Q&A.
Community Impact Newspaper

The Backstory: The little known story about a former slave who sued her captor and won

An article features the story behind the Pulitzer Prize-winning book "Sweet Taste of Liberty: A True Story of Slavery and Restitution," authored by Caleb McDaniel, the Mary Gibbs Jones Professor of Humanities.

The Walton Sun (This USA Today article appeared in a previous edition of Dateline.)


Special Edition: Dr. Vivian Ho, Dr. Melanye Price and Dr. Dietrich von Biedenfeld (June 19, 2020)
Vivian Ho, the James A. Baker III Institute Chair in Health Economics at Rice’s Baker Institute for Public Policy’s Center for Health and Biosciences, participates in a panel discussion.
Houston Public Media (This segment also aired on KUHF-FM in Houston.)
Did Texas reopen too soon?
KERA Online (This Texas Public Radio article appeared in a previous edition of Dateline.)

Plastic panic during the pandemic: How single-use items meant to protect us will harm the planet
Rachel Meidl, fellow in energy and environment at Rice’s Baker Institute for Public Policy, is quoted.
Northwestern University's Medill Reports Chicago

Could flushing a public toilet really spread COVID-19?
E. Susan Amirian, research scientist at the Texas Policy Lab at Rice's School of Social Sciences, is quoted.
National Geographic UK (This article also appeared in MSN and a previous edition of Dateline.)

'Never in my wildest dreams': Another oil bust cripples workforce today and for the future
Ken Medlock, senior director of the Center for Energy Studies at Rice’s Baker Institute for Public Policy, is quoted.
Houston Chronicle (Subscription is required. This article appeared on the front of the Business section in the June 21 print edition of the Chronicle, and it appeared on the front of the Business section in the June 22 print edition of the San Antonio Express-News.)

Moody Center’s series is where the arts meet on and offline
An article mentions that Rice's Moody Center for the Arts has commissioned local artists, writers, musicians and dancers to create new works for a summer series that melds the physical and the virtual. Alison Weaver, executive director of the Moody Center, is quoted.
Houston Chronicle's "Preview" (This article appeared in the June 21 print edition and a previous edition of Dateline.)

Atlanta-based music publishing startup wins Rice Business Plan Competition
An article features the 20th Rice Business Plan Competition, hosted by the Rice Alliance for Technology and Entrepreneurship.
Houston Chronicle (Subscription is required. This article appeared on the front of the Business section in the June 20 print edition.)

GHWCC: Women support women during challenging times
Alumna Stephanie Tsuru is featured.
Houston Chronicle (Subscription is required. This article also appeared in more than 25 other media outlets.)

Rising to the challenge
A roundup mentions that design plans for the open-source emergency ventilator developed by a team of engineering experts and students at Rice's Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen are now online and freely available to everyone in the world.
Chicago Booth

Adm. Papp: Choose to do things ‘not because they are easy, but because they are hard’
President John F. Kennedy’s “moon speech” given at Rice Sept. 12, 1962, is mentioned.
The Day

Pandemic touches everyone, including Sill CG
An article mentions that Nate Kamper will join Rice's football team this fall.
The Lawton Constitution


Trump made 192 false claims from May 4 through June 7
Leroy Chiao, former astronaut and nonresident fellow in space policy at Rice's Baker Institute for Public Policy, is quoted.


Klineberg: What worries me, what gives me hope, after 38 years of tracking Houston
Stephen Klineberg, founding director of Rice's Kinder Institute for Urban Research and an emeritus professor of sociology, authored an op-ed about his findings from 38 years of conducting the Kinder Houston Area Survey.
Houston Chronicle (This op-ed was featured on the front of the Outlook section in the June 21 print edition.)

UH College of Medicine welcomes its inaugural class
An article features alumna Breanna Chachere, who has been accepted into the University of Houston College of Medicine's inaugural class.
TMC News (This article was featured in the June 22 edition of the TMC Today newsletter and was included in a previous edition of Dateline when it was first posted online.)


CentreCourt Spring 2020: MBA admissions at UVA Darden, Emory Goizueta and Rice Jones
A virtual panel discussion features Janice Kennedy, executive director of recruiting and admissions of Rice’s Jones Graduate School of Business.
Poets & Quants

For green hydrogen, artificial leaf breathes down neck of electrolysis
An article features Rice research that created an efficient, low-cost device that splits water to produce hydrogen fuel. Co-authors Jun Lou, associate chair and professor of materials science and nanoengineering, and postdoctoral fellow Jia Liang are cited.

5 essential skills you need to advance your career
An article mentions that Rice offers courses on Coursera.
The Startup on Medium

Magnetic fields power this mini neural stimulator
An article features Rice research that developed a tiny surgical implant that can electrically stimulate the brain and nervous system without using a battery or wired power supply.
Electronics 360


Dr. Jennifer Hopp to lead new women’s sports medicine program

An article featuring Jennifer Hopp mentions that she is a former team physician at Rice.


Soaked Spinners sit idle still seeking season’s first win
Rice baseball player Brayden Combs is mentioned.
Mooresville Tribune

'Broncos Country'
Former Rice football player Christian Covington is featured.
KTVD-TV (Denver)
http://dateline.rice/june-22-covington (This segment aired four times.)

KHOU-TV (Houston)
A broadcast features Rice's new Robert L. Waltrip Indoor Training Center.

Inside the Numbers: Isaiah Joe
An article mentions the 2019 basketball game between Rice and the University of Arkansas.


Global scientific collaboration hindered by politics, says Baker Institute study
Many scientists approach their work with “an increasingly collaborative outlook” and are not motivated by politics or diplomatic relations, which often hinder collaboration, according to a study of thousands of scientists conducted by Rice's Baker Institute for Public Policy and co-authored by Kirstin Matthews, Erin Yang and Steven Lewis.

Georgia State U.’s Aurign wins 2020 Rice Business Plan Competition
Aurign from Georgia State University in Atlanta rose to the top in the 2020 Rice Business Plan Competition hosted June 17-19 by the Rice Alliance for Technology and Entrepreneurship and Rice’s Jones Graduate School of Business. The annual event is the world’s richest and largest student startup competition, with over $1.3 million in prizes announced and seven teams winning over $100,000 each this year.
