Solar harvest

Solar harvest

Staff and students at the Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen were
treated to a free treat of steamed potatoes this week when inventor
Jean Boubour tested the newest model of his solar cooking system, the
Capteur Soleil. Boubour, left, worked with Claire Krebs ’09, right, and associate professor Doug Schuler of the Jesse
H. Jones Graduate School of Business to
commercialize the low-tech
solar technology
in underdeveloped communities. The device uses mirrors
to focus sunlight and create steam for a double-boiler-style cooking
system that can be used to prepare food, sterilize medical instruments
and do other tasks that typically require expensive fuel. Schuler and
Boubour’s first Capteur Soleil is being tested this summer at
Barthelemy School
in Terrier Rouge, Haiti. The newly tested model,
which was finished this week at the Design Kitchen, is bound for

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