People, Papers, Presentations

Daryl Boudreaux,
director of technology transfer, organized a course called
2002 Software and Digital Media Course for the Association
of University Technology Managers, held in Chicago in April.
In the course, members shared their approaches to working
with faculty and assisting them in reaching their goals,
while providing for the distribution and licensing of their

Lydia Kavraki,
associate professor of computer science, was selected to
receive the IEEE Early Career Award in robotics and automation.
The IEEE award recognizes “persons who have had a major
impact on the robotics and/or automation fields.”

Jiun C. Kuo,
head of cataloging, Fondren Library, presented “Where
Do We Go from Here? A Generalist Library’s Pinyin Conversion
Experience” at the American Library Association Annual
Conference in Atlanta June 15. Kuo shared Rice’s experiences
with the Wade-Giles to Pinyin conversion for Chinese-language
records and headings in non-Chinese language records.

Karen Schnietz,
assistant professor of management, and Marc Epstein, research
professor of management, both of the Jesse H. Jones Graduate
School of Management, presented a paper titled “Does
a Reputation for Corporate Social Responsibility Pay Off?
Investor Reaction to the 1999 Seattle WTO Meeting”
at the 60th annual Corporate Reputation Conference in May
and then at the Conference on International Corporate Responsibility
in June. The paper was awarded the prize for Best Empirical
Paper at the Corporate Reputation Conference.

for People, Papers, Presentations should be submitted to
the Office of News and Media Relations by e-mail, <>;
fax, (713) 348-6380; or campus mail, MS 300. Entries will
run on a space-available basis.

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