Rice hosts 2024 Workshop on Quantum Materials Synthesis

event participants

The Rice Center for Quantum Materials at Rice University recently hosted the second edition of the Workshop on Quantum Materials Synthesis, an event dedicated to communicating recent developments in the field, identifying new research areas and providing a platform for theorists and experimentalists to come together for discussion and knowledge exchange.

event participants
(Photo by Gustavo Raskosky/Rice University)

The 2024 workshop held April 9-12 was the second in a new series of events dedicated to building a community of quantum materials synthesis. The workshop is sponsored in part by the National Science Foundation, Institute for Complex Adaptive Matter, Department of Energy, American Physical Society/Physical Review Materials and Rice’s Smalley-Curl Institute.

event participants
(Photo by Gustavo Raskosky/Rice University)

Altermagnetism ⎯ theoretically proposed as a new magnetic state in addition to ferromagnetism, which has been known for millennia, and the century-old antiferromagnetic state ⎯ was one of the topics that generated significant interest. Participants also discussed topological materials for future electronics and advances in bulk synthesis under pressure, or oxide thin film growth. The meeting brought together over 25 speakers from the U.S., Germany, Japan and the Czech Republic, and over 35 young scientists, graduate students and postdocs.

event participants
(Photo by Gustavo Raskosky/Rice University)